Workshop on How to Write a Business Proposal and Create the Perfect Business Pitch – Part 2

Did you join us with our workshop series to witness the amazing experiences of experts 🤔 ?
If so, you may waiting for something to be happened!

Here it is…
The second part of the workshop on ‘How to Write a Business Proposal and Create the Perfect Business Pitch’ is ready for you 🤩

🔸 The keynote speaker of the session will be Prof.Rukmal Weerasinghe

And the session will be held,
đź“…Date : 3rd of August
⏰Time : 7 p.m. onwards
đź“ŤVia Zoom

Join Zoom Meeting 👇

Meeting ID: 912 9251 4926
Passcode: 202158

Don’t miss this chance and be there on time!